Stepping Into the New Year


We often think of a new year, as looking ahead, but one thing I have found to be a life changing practice and a way to set myself up for success in a new year is -------- reflecting back.


Especially this past year it is important to take time in reflection to acknowledge all that unfolded. The up’s and the down’s. 


There is so much we can learn about ourselves when we reflect - it allows us to fully enter into the New Year feeling; lighter, more intentional with our time and resources, and more clarity on what is possible ahead.


So I wanted to share what I am doing to step into this New Year. 


  1. I set aside an hour if I have it, but even if you have 15 or 30 min that works too.

  2. I have a pen and paper - writing things down is a powerful practice. You could use notes on your phone, tablet - whatever works best for you. The path of least resistance :)

  3. I have TWO RESOURCES that I have used the past several years. They have been game changers for me and I am excited to be sharing them this year. It is my hope that they will help you as much as they have me. 

You can grab these FREE resources HERE.