Feminine Leadership


Feminine Leadership is something we dive into in @theconnectedwoman, which looks like; 

  • Feeling intentional with every choice in her life - the people she surrounds herself with, daily routines, how she makes money, work, schedule, how she takes care of herself, home - a life of full alignment that truly lights her up

  • A deep trust in herself and strong connection with her “inner knowing”

  • Surrounded by a group of like minded women that are doing the “inner work” that are growing and supporting each other on the journey

  • Confident to be seen, take up space, and put herself out there to share her unique gifts with the world

  • Connected and lit up in her romantic relationship and knows how to create the relationship she wants

  • Feels empowered by money, making money that feels aligned, in flow and can charge fees that excite her

  • A deep connection with her spiritual practice and a new sense of surrender, trust and inner peace in her life

  • Gives herself permission to show up exactly as she is during this time - letting go the list of “to do’s” and “should’s”

  • Clarity on what she wants, the confidence to ask for it, and feeling worthy to receive it 

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