Behind the Scenes


Behind the scenes of marriage…

I feel called to have more conversations about what is really happening behind closed doors of relationships. I speak with so many women that share when they get on the social media compare and despair, they can start painting this picture that everyone else’s relationships takes no effort, just ease and flow, they have regular hot sex and the most perfect partner who never triggers them (I can 100% relate to this!!)

When I am in connection in community with other women who share honestly about what is really going on in relationships, and what it really takes to have a thriving connected relationship, I know this “perfect” vision I have created in my head is not true.

Relationships feel messy in moments. It takes conscious commitment and attention to keep it alive. Self awareness and acceptance. Trust and surrender. A moment to moment commitment. AND man can that feel like a lot of work.

So I want to give a big shout out to those of you in relationships, pursuing relationships, married, or in the messy middle.

You are not alone. I know the attention and effort it takes to keep showing up.

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