The theme this month is…..
The more I have focused on this practice of sharing appreciations and what I appreciate in my own life; my relationships have transformed, I feel more filled up and present. Less focusing on the future and feeling what I have is not enough. Less comparison or needing others approval - the list of benefits go on and one…
I invite you to take this month to spend a little time each day to focus on what you appreciate in your life. A few ideas;
Share an appreciation with your partner after they do something you normally take for granted
Create a text thread with another girlfriend and send daily appreciations to each other
Take 5 min at the end of the day and write down the moments that worked out, that felt aligned, that you felt taken care of
Send a gift/card to someone that has been on your heart or made an impact on your life
Call one of your friends or family members and share with them 3 things you appreciate about them
For me something my mind can go to; It can’t be that simple?! Just focusing on appreciating can impact so much? And I have really seen the simple practices in life often are the most impactful.
Let’s create a movement of appreciation together this month!!
Who wants to join me in #appreciationnovember?!