What is more valuable than money?


Money is a common measure of success, of value and worth. But in the context of our lives, the money we possess doesn’t mean as much as we might think. Time is the most valuable thing you can spend.

We only have so much time. And yet, so often we look to the past and the future, wasting the present moment and failing to live life to the fullest.

Recently, I have experienced some health scares that have really put my life into perspective. When you see there may be an end in sight, it makes you look at the world differently.

I’ve realized that no matter the career, success or money I have, when I don’t have my health, nothing else matters.

I’ve realized how valuable time is. You cannot get time back. It is spent in each second.

I have always known we must live in the moment, but going through this experience has shown me that each minute we are alive is a blessing.

I’ve realized that nothing in the past or the future matters.

How about you? This is an open invitation to use the below steps to create more time and be grateful for the time you already have.

1) Really make the most of each moment. Having appreciation for time means paying attention to what is important in the present moment. Enjoy the small things, laugh more, immerse yourself in nature, and surround yourself with people who make you feel good and challenge you in a positive way.

2) Utilize focus management. In your day-to-day schedule, commit to working on something specific for one minute, five minutes or 30 minutes. Block out distractions and focus on the details.

3) Slow down time. Think about the task, job or activity you are doing at that moment. Be present in each experience. Take note of all of your senses—touch, sight, taste, smell, sound. Have gratitude for the good things.

4) Meditate. Meditation can take many forms, but it only requires as little as five minutes each day. Connect with a greater power, your body and your breath, your inner being.

5) Journal. Explore your emotions through writing or drawing in a journal. Journaling allows you to express how you are feeling at that moment, as well as look back and reflect in a constructive, meaningful way.

6) Plan ahead for that day, week, month. Time is not always in your control, but for the most part, you have the opportunity to choose how you use your time. Get clear on what you want to do and when. Planning ahead ensures you are doing exactly what you want to do each moment of the day.

I’m curious what you think. Have you had an experience that’s reminded you of the importance of time? How do you make the most of your time?

Photo Credit: http://iloveparisduringsummertime.tumblr.com