A Divine Conversation
I was traveling recently and usually on flights I like to use that time to turn inward..
To reflect, write, read, really utilize the time to get things done.
On this flight, the woman next to me started sharing..
A part of me is like “I need to use this time to work. I had planned things I wanted to get done. I can’t just pause.”
As we started talking more and more, I felt this peace wash over me.. My body instantly said “Shut the laptop and listen.”
As she continued to talk I felt my heart open, I felt this deep connection and softening.
We ended up talking the entire flight and all the way to each other's gates.
I recently watched a movie where they talk about how God is constantly speaking to us through others.. I instantly remembered this movie and knew this conversation was exactly what was meant to happen. This was totally divine.
It reminded me… how many times I don’t pay attention to those around me, I am too busy, or afraid to spark a conversation.
I am begging, obsessing, praying for answers and if I would just open up to the people around me how many times I would hear, or meet the exact answer/person I am looking for.