Entrepreneurship and Trust

I know being an entrepreneur it can feel like jumping off a cliff and hoping something catches you at the bottom, or throwing spaghetti at a wall and seeing what sticks.. Anyone relate? There is a lot of learning from doing - which my perfectionism and control does not like! I want to know, I want to have it all figured out, I want to do it perfectly, I want to already “be there.”⁣

One of my coaches shared this with me and it has radically changed how I run my business;⁣

“Spirit is my business Partner.”⁣

I’ve never thought about that. I have always looked at my business as I was the one in control, and doing it all on my own. ⁣

This past year I have seen this show up more than ever;

I made the BIGGEST investment I have ever made in my business, which felt like such a stretch and definitely brought up the “how” will I do this?! AND in the first month of the group I had my biggest billings month EVER and made back the entire amount of the investment.

I committed fully to my one on one practice and clients and decided to not launch a group program the last 10 months of the year, even when everyone around me was doing groups! I trusted that inner guidance and have fallen in LOVE with the simplicity and ease that comes with having a boutique intimate coaching business.

I announced my first retreat I am hosting, after holding the desire for 6 MONTHS and waiting for the perfect location and venue to come.. This was such a practice of patience and trusting, even when a part of me wanted to just create it, put it out there, launch! I trusted in the pause.. I now have a full retreat and it is coming together with so much ease and flow.

A lot of this didn’t make sense to me at the time, it felt scary and a lot of unknown - whether it was the investment, the doing a completely different business model than other coaches, pausing in creating a retreat when part of me just wanted to put it out there!

Looking back I see spirit was leading the way, all I needed to do was trust. ⁣

Where do you see spirit in your business and work?

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